Please keep your device at your arm's length to get eyecheck correctly.
Check for common eye problems like near or farsightedness and much more in the comfort of your own home.
This is a free tests to check your eyes vision and help you to find any problems related to the eyesight. It is very simple to use and diagnose yourself. If you a caring about your eyes health or just want to understand how the vision test board work then this application is totally for you.
In the modern world, a person simply needs to have good vision and eye health. Myopia, farsightedness, dry eyes, color blindness are some of the many, but not the only unpleasant eye diseases that modern people face. You may not even suspect that you have problems with the fundus and vision. Therefore, you should regularly check your eyesight, it does not matter whether you feel vision problems or not.
If the vigilance of your eyes suits you, you can see if this is so, as it seems to you. The test is quite simple, and does not take much time to suspect problems and eye diseases.
Maybe your eyes are tired and you need just to compare current visual acuity with the normal one. Or you are suffering from the several eyes disease as astigmatism, visual acuity recession, accommodation difficulties, optic nerve problems, cataract, narrowing of the field of view and many others. Then this app will try to assist you with them.
The one more good way to use vision boards is eyeglass or ophthalmic lenses checking.
Application is not replace a real doctor medical examination. If you have any eyes disease or vision difficulties we are strongly recommend to visit real ophthalmologist.
Free and simple to use tests to screen your vision anywhere, anytime. Keep track of your eyesight and ensure that you’re always on top of your eye health.